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Julianne Lawrence

Parish Clerk

About Me

From Yorkshire, 2 children, 2 dogs, one partner (although if Ryan Reynolds asked nicely, I might be able to make room for him at the inn too!)

Travelled far and wide before settling in Folksworth a couple of years ago.  Staying put as we’re renovating an old house and by the time that’s finished (sometimes feels like it’s 1 step forward, 2 steps back), I’m told that we’re off travelling around the world on a boat … that we will be sailing ourselves … even though I get terrible seasickness.  I like adventures though and I like challenges so it’ll be all aboard for me, the dogs, kids, the Captain (and maybe even Ryan!)

For now, I’m really enjoying living here, walking the hounds, eating the world-class puddings at The Bell, biking multiple routes off Bullock Road and learning more than I ever thought possible alongside the lovely group of folk that make up Stilton Parish Council.