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Sue Ayres

Sue Ayres


Member of:

  • Finance, General Purposes and Communications Committee
  • Staffing Sub-Committee
  • Amenities Management Committee
  • Planning Working Group
  • Editorial Working Group
  • Pavilion Working Group
About Me

I have lived locally all my life. Born and grew up in Washingley and moved to Stilton at 19. Got married and had a brief flirtation with Yaxley before returning to Stilton where I have been ever since.

Been married to Colin for 39 years and we have a 24 year old daughter. For 35 years we have run Colbrook Specialists, moving the business to Stilton in the early nineties.

I have been the Treasurer of the Gardening Club, a member of the Memorial Hall Committee, and a Rainbow Guider known as Otter. Previously, a Councillor for 17 years.

I enjoy reading, especially a good murder, relaxing in my garden and researching my Family Tree. I own a 1937 Ford Convertible with a V8 engine, which is great fun, and am Chair of a National Car Club (NSRA) which keeps me busy too.

Stilton is a wonderful place to live, and I want it to stay a wonderful place to live.