Local Highway Improvement bid for North Street, Stilton – What do you think?

At the Parish Council meeting in January 2024 it was resolved to …

PC216/23.2 Put forward a Local Highways Improvement bid for the north end of North Street with priority narrowing to help adherence to the 20mph speed limit and assist road crossing for pedestrians. Cllr Bull to liaise with the Clerk to submit the bid

PC215/23.3 The 10% contribution for the above LHI bid to come from CIL funds.

Following this application, a site visit took place with Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) on 19/02/24 with representatives from CCC and Stilton Parish Council to consider feasibility of the application.  The Feasibility Report is attached below.

As a result of the higher than anticipated costs and optimal works suggested, the Parish Council have asked for clarification on the options available to apply for (at which point costs for Option O were revised), and at the Tuesday 9 April 2024 meeting there will be 3 choices for council to consider.  These are detailed below …

  • Proceed with a bid to provide a pedestrian refuge island, widening the road to facilitate the feature (location of feature to be determined and assessed during design). Total estimated cost: £56,115.16 with a Parish Council contribution of £31,115.16 (Option 0)
  • Proceed with a bid to add roundels and SLOW markings to the road via linings along with road narrowing (possibly by white lining offset from the kerb at a greater distance than usual, visually narrowing the road or adding a central hatch. Specific solution to be determined during design). Total estimated cost: £10,000.00 with a Parish Council contribution of £1,000.00 (Option 1)
  • Decline both options for the moment, carry out further research and look into alternative methods of reducing traffic speeds (possibly including drawing up a Traffic and Parking Master Plan with the help of external companies), and withdraw from the LHI bid this year.

Pictures that highlight what might be achieved below …

Option O –

Option 1 –

Please let us know what you think by either joining us at the meeting in the Church Meeting Room on Tuesday 9 April at 7.30pm or by emailing the Clerk at
